Cargo Traffic Volume in the First Half of 2023

In the first half of 2023, AVION AERO increased the cargo traffic by 1.5 times against last year`s figures

In the first half of 2023 the volume of cargo traffic of AVION AERO LLC increased by 1.5 times compared to the same period last year and amounted to 417,300 kg of cargo. At the same time, the number of shipments also doubled: in the first six months of the current year, the company made 364 cargo shipments. All this became possible thanks to the expansion of the transportation geography and the implementation of AVION AERO`s new services, which are driven by customer needs.

It is worth noting that of the total volume of cargo transported in the first half of 2023, almost 76% was transported by air.

Since the beginning of this year, the main directions of transportation have been identified:

  • Domestic door-to-door air transportation, including transportation of urgent cargo with minimum delivery time; 
  • Export air transportation from Russia to Vietnam, China, South Korea, India, UAE, Turkey, African countries;
  • Import air transportation from China, South Korea, Turkey, UAE, India, Latin American countries to Russia;
  • Rail transportation, both LCL and FCL, from China to Moscow and Saint Petersburg. 

After a long break, AVION AERO restored air transportation from Latin American countries to Russia. 

“Recently, our customers have had an increased need to transport cargo containing batteries, as well as the batteries themselves as a separate cargo. The number of requests for transportation of dangerous goods of various hazard classes from China has also increased. To meet these needs, our company has promptly introduced new services to the existing list”, said Dmitriy Kirienko, Head of the airfreight Department of AVION AERO LLC.

The following services are now available as part of the new services for customers who plan to transport dangerous or potentially dangerous goods:

  • Preparation of DGD (Dangerous Goods Declaration) for dangerous goods. Not all product suppliers are authorized to issue such a document, which must be prepared and signed by a certified specialist;
  • Packing of dangerous goods in certified containers; 
  • Preparation of DGM Report (conclusion of a specialized laboratory in China). This document confirms that potentially dangerous goods can be shipped by air as non-hazardous goods. It is not possible to ship potentially dangerous goods (including goods containing batteries) from China without this document. However, not all suppliers of goods are able to issue such a conclusion. 

“Our company employs certified specialists who have completed training in the transportation of dangerous goods by air and have international certificates”, emphasized Dmitriy Kirienko.

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